In the face of the pandemic, the BCSE was forced to cancel all otherwise normal operations and events. With strict guidelines put in place and a new normal settling in, the whole campus was grasping to find solid ground. As told in “Go on an Adventure with Us: How the BCSE is Making Lemonade from Lemons”, the BCSE saw a need and thought outside the box to fulfill it. And thus were born the Fall student excursions.
The student excursions started out as a pilot project. Each program director created excursions in relation to their program and the BCSE as a whole. It turned out, the students excursions were just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. Students began trickling in. Word of mouth is a powerful thing and the excursions were soon buzzing around campus. What started as individual sign-ups soon also developed into a platform for team-building for Bucknell’s sports teams and outdoor classroom experiences for many classes and departments.
We are proud to say that we were able to give the students a way to get out and have fun while still staying safe, but we also had a lot of fun and laughs while immersing students in a whole new learning experience.
Because of the tremendous success of the excursions and all the positive feedback that we’ve received, we have decided we will continue the student excursions in the spring. Students will have the opportunity to go on excursions they’ve previously enjoyed (or get that second shot at getting in), as well as some possible new adventures. The excursions and their schedules are yet to be determined, but keep an eye on our blog and social media pages to stay alert to what’s coming and when.
We would also like to thank everyone that helped to make these excursions a success. From mentions and shares on social media, to word of mouth and collaborations. We appreciate everyone’s help and we appreciate the amazing groups of students we had the opportunity to meet and reconnect with. We look forward to seeing you all and many more in the spring!